Call of duty: civil war release date
Call of duty: civil war release date

call of duty: civil war release date

It seems as though this game will also concern Russian interactions with the Middle East, while enemies will include an ultranationalist group helping to execute terrorist attacks in major cities such as London. Captain Price is again a principal character in this new story, for instance. There are some returning elements, though. Instead, Infinity Ward wanted to revisit some of Modern Warfare's concepts without being beholden to the world the original trilogy created. During a lengthy presentation, developers explained that this isn't a continuation of the Modern Warfare trilogy, because, in that world, there wasn't much room to raise the stakes Russia invaded the U.S., nuclear weapons exploded, and the series' major characters had fought through it all (with some even dying along the way). Infinity Ward revealed details about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's single-player campaign to journalists last week at its studio in California.

call of duty: civil war release date call of duty: civil war release date

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Call of duty: civil war release date